Monday, November 24, 2008

A blog is born

There is a certain art to be a thrifty money hog. Some people are clueless how to do it and some just don’t want to do it at all. It is a refined are as with most things. It is amazing how much a person may save in one year just by making those smart and easy choices. In this blog and future entries, I will lay out the ins and outs of thrifty spending habits that will help those college students save and actually afford a life and an education.

I know, I know, you are thinking “?What the hell is this guy on”, yet you will find out as you read on that some of my reasoning is so sensible that you will smack yourself in the head for being so simple. Trust me, this is easy and it took me over ten years to figure out that the easy and smart choices are the best ones to make.

This blog will be oriented towards college students and towards Canadian citizens as per, I am Canadian. Yet, many of these practices may be applied to most western economies. Now, without delay, we shall begin with our first rule.
Rule #1 The Magic of coupons.

Think back 15 to 20 years ago and your mother, or grandmother clipping coupons out of the newspaper or supermarket flyer. This my friends has been a lost art and many don’t use coupons any more. I love coupons with a passion and clip everything I see and store it all in a box. When I go shopping, I just flick through the clippings and pick out the things I will be apt to buy.

In our society of today, we neglect taking the time to plan and many people cannot be bothered to clip and save. Imagine saving a few dollars each time you go grocery shopping. Now add those few dollars over and over again and you end up saving significant figures. Let us just say you save $2.00 a shopping trip and you shop perhaps two times a month, the math of ($2.00X2)X12 comes to $48.00. Now, wipe that smirk off your face, on a fixed income, every penny counts. Think of it as a boat floating in the ocean, man little holes will eventually sink the boat, but if we plus those little holes, we have success.

Now, coupons also exist for a variety of other things aside from groceries. I highly recommend as a source for everything coupon. This website is stocked full of free offers and the inside scoop on where and when to get a good deal. Red Flag Deals also offers a wealth of information for students on how to save your money.
So remember folks, next time you go shopping, make sure you take the time and put forth the effort to plan what you will buy and make sure you use those coupons.

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