Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Always purchase your textbooks used or second hand.

Always purchase your textbooks used or second hand.

You will drop a pretty dime on the textbooks that you require for your classes. In many cases, these books will push the $100.00 range and chances are that after your studies, you will be unable to pawn these textbooks back. The theory of buying used is that if you buy your books used, you will probably end up paying half of what you would at the book store. Even a used book at a college bookstore that has a regular retail price of $120.00 will still have a used price of $100.00. This my friends is a complete rip-off.

The book store at your college or university is there to price gouge you and nothing more. These stores are run by independent operators who have no interest in your well being. Why pay the man when you can look to your own fellow student for a leg up? Search the bulletin boards for notices about books for sale, search Kiji, Craigslist, Ebay and Better World Books.

Remember, the more you save, the more you have to allocate to entertainment.